Past Events

September 12, 2024 Philanthropic Enterprise Act - Newman Exception
Thomas Moniz - von Briesen & Roper
June 6, 2024 Golf Outing
Mark Smith - Host; Fiduciary Partners - Sponsor
June 6, 2024 Social/Open House
Mark Smith - Host; Fiduciary Partners - Sponsor
May 9, 2024 Tips, Trends and Pitfalls for State Income Taxation of Trusts
Jeffrey Billings - Godfrey & Kahn
April 11, 2024 The Role and Benefits of Community Foundations
CFFVR & Oshkosh Community Foundation Presenters
February 8, 2024 Planning for the Family Cottage/Cabin or Farm
Matthew Borkovec & James Phelan (Remley Law), Keith Depies (Hawkins Ash), Julie Kiley (CLA)
January 11, 2024 What Every Estate Planner Should Know About Social Security
Ruthann M. Driscoll, JD, CFP, CLU, RICP
November 9, 2023 Yearend Planning - A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Ryan Laughlin, Matt Brehmer, Michelle Lippart Hardwick, Grace Anderson, Brenton Teeling, Nick Sattler
October 12, 2023 Asset Protection
McCarty Law - Jon Fischer & Ali Ratacjzak ...
September 29, 2023 EPCNEW Fall Seminar and Dinner - Estate & Tax Planning for Retirement Assets and Charitable Gifts
Christopher R. Hoyt
September 7, 2023 Crypto Currency Update
Alex Prodoehl
September 7, 2023 Annual Social
June 9, 2023 2023 Golf Outing
Rich Scott Member Host
May 12, 2023 Estate & Trust 101, Form 1041, and planning with specific types of trusts
Keith Depies, Hawkins Ash
April 14, 2023 Cross Border Marital Property Issues
Bob Mathers, & Katie Muldoon, Quarles & Brady
March 10, 2023 Advance Care Planning for Healthcare Decisions: Community ACP Resources to Help your Clients and Their Families Create Protection
Bobbie Thompson, Executive Director of the Fox Valley Advance Care Partnership, Lee Vogel, MD, Director of Mosaic Family Health, and Ben Adams, retired attorney
February 10, 2023 Heckerling highlights
Ron Altenburg & Jon Gibson, CLA and Steve Lunn, Baker Tilly
January 13, 2023 IRA planning after SECURE and the Proposed Regulations
Bob Keebler, Keebler & Associates, LLP
December 9, 2022 IRS hot topic, cases, year-end planning
Julie Kiley, CLA and Mark Smith, EGGST Consulting
November 11, 2022 Charitable Remainder Trusts and Retirement Benefits After the SECURE Act
Mark Munson, Ruder Ware
October 14, 2022 The Digitization of the estate planning industry (document execution and planning for digital assets)
Anne Stacey and Morgan Turner, von Briesen & Roper
October 12, 2022 59th Annual Fall Seminar and Dinner - EPCNEW
Jonathan Blattmachr
September 9, 2022 Robert Alexander Webinar Series: John Porter - Current Issues in Estate and Gift Tax Audits and Litigation
John Porter
May 13, 2022 May Meeting - Financial Planning - Various Situation and Issues
Bill Bowman & Mike Villeneuve
April 22, 2022 April FV EPC Meeting - Economic/Market Update
Nancy Johnshoy
March 11, 2022 March FV EPC Meeting - Crypto Currency Update
Alex Prodoehl
February 11, 2022 Replay: NAEPC Webinar: Introducing the In Marriage QDRO® - A Brand New Option
Marcus T. Foote, JD, and Stephanie N. Prestridge, JD
January 21, 2022 Considerations Surrounding the Use of Individual Trustees Versus Corporate Trustees
Russell Wood, Fiduciary Partners
December 10, 2021 Tax Update
November 12, 2021 Eder Law Hot Topics
Reg Wydeven, JD & Jon Fischer, JD
October 8, 2021 Legislative Update
Robert Keebler
June 11, 2021 2021 FVEPC Golf Outing
Scramble Golf Outing
May 21, 2021 The Psychology of Family Business Transitions
Greg, Anjali, and Shipra Seefeldt, of Strategic Solutions Consulting, LLC
April 23, 2021 Charitable Trends and Planning in Partnership with the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region
Michelle Lippart Hardwick & Annamarie Engelhard
January 22, 2021 Multi-State Estate Planning
Attorney Matthew Brehmer, Remley & Sensenbrenner, and Attorney Robert Mathers, Von Briesen & Roper
March 13, 2020 Reverse Mortgages
Lon Niedermeier, Fairway Mortgage
February 14, 2020 Heckerling Update
Melissa DeVantier, McCarty Law, LLP and Mark Smith, Baker Tilly
January 10, 2020 Multi-state planning considerations
Mark Kmiecik, JD-Davis and Kuelthau, S.C.
December 13, 2019 Charitable planning
Ryan Laughlin, JD, CPA-Wipfli LLP
November 8, 2019 Long Term Care
Fred Thorbahn, VP-MVP Financial Services, Inc.
October 11, 2019 Reverse Mortgages
Lon Niedermeier, Mortgage Planner at Fairway Mortgage
September 13, 2019 Elder Law Update
Attorney Benjamin Adams (Adams & Woodrow, S.C.) and Attorney Jon Fischer (McCarty Law, LLP)
May 10, 2019 Wisconsin Trust Code Update – Current Applications and New Developments
Victor Schultz – Prairie Financial Group
April 25, 2019 FVEPC SOCIAL
March 8, 2019 Medicare Made Easy
Pam Utpadel – Universal Insurance
February 8, 2019 Why each of us (and the people we care about) should have Health & Financial Powers of Attorneys
Timothy Reich – Reich Law Firm LLC
January 11, 2019 Estate Planning Basics
Jennifer Voigt
December 14, 2018 Tax Update
Mark Smith, Baker Tilly
November 9, 2018 Powers to Direct & Working with Directing Parties in Trust Administration
Fiduciary Partners
October 19, 2018 Transition planning Valuations:  What to look for and why using online systems such as BizEquity is likely not going to provide a reasonable value
Lisa Cribben - WIPFLI
September 14, 2018 Naming a trust beneficiary of an IRA
Matthew D Brehmer, Remley Law
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